Electromagnetic smog – in the magic circle of civilization

You can’t escape electromagnetic smog

Ecology describes the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment. This is a very fashionable topic, but really, is it properly understood? Most people do not see any connection between the environment and their health. I think that Thomas Edison himself, 132 years ago, when he turned on his first light bulb, did not know how much it would change the world.

The era of electricity has accelerated the development of civilization, but it is increasingly effective in cutting us off from nature and is unable to force our bodies to completely accept the new environment.

We spend almost two thirds of our lives under artificial light, watching the sun from behind the windows of air-conditioned rooms. Our bodies are increasingly covered with materials unknown to nature, and apartments and offices are decorated with artificial flowers, furniture, panels, synthetic paints and adhesives. We are prisoners of air conditioning, water, sewage and electricity networks, and we can no longer live without cars, telephones, radios, televisions or computers.

We have been talking about ecology for a long time, but each year the number of toxins and technical solutions harmful to health increases. In the 21st century, the effects of unfavorable stimuli acting on the human body are clearly visible; headaches, burning eyes, decreased immunity, irritation, aggression, fatigue, anxiety, confusion and increasing stress – this is our everyday life, against which the living organism protests more and more intensively. Observations show that when companies move their offices from an old building to a modern, tight, air-conditioned office building, there is a sharp deterioration in the well-being of employees and an increase in morbidity by an average of 30 percent.

“Sick Building Syndrome”, “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, “Burnout Syndrome”, “Leaky Gut Syndrome”, “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”, “Legionnaires’ Disease” are just a few examples of ailments attributed to intense work in facilities, which are usually modern office buildings, banks and hotels.

Scientific research confirms that the natural environment regulates life processes

However, geopathic zones and artificial electromagnetic fields lead to functional disorders in living organisms. Currently, most people on Earth are constantly surrounded by artificial electromagnetic waves emitted by millions of common electrical devices, radio and television transmitters, radar and transformer stations, electrical installations, high-voltage lines, Bluetooth, wireless Internet, GPRS, EDGE transmitters, etc. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields, which overlap to create electromagnetic smog. The fields produced are 100-200 million times greater than the electromagnetic background of the natural environment from the 19th century! In the era of computerization and the development of mobile telephony, this topic concerns all of us, especially in cities, we have nowhere to escape…

“We are entering the age of high technology with the structure of primitive man,” wrote Prof. Ulrich Warnke in the book “The risk of losing health”. This is the price of modern civilization, and although WHO experts warned already in the 1980s, this problem is still growing. Unfortunately, we do not see or feel the electromagnetic waves that penetrate us directly, nor do we create any mechanisms to protect us against their effects. The harmful effects of electromagnetic smog often occur after a certain latency period. That is why bad health and emerging diseases are often not associated with the impact of harmful radiation.

When regularly exposed to smog, we initially feel excessive sleepiness, irritability, and decreased concentration

A little later, chronic fatigue, dizziness and headaches, stuffy or runny nose, drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes and throat, shallow breathing, sleep and memory disorders, and over time general weakness. Hundreds of studies show the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the immune system, hormonal system, enzyme synthesis, nervous system, learning ability and our behavior. Meanwhile, we, not remembering the facts, carelessly build buildings under high-voltage lines, erect masts on the roofs of houses, kindergartens, schools, hotels, office buildings and hospitals. It has already been proven that the invisible electromagnetic environment affects every life stage of the body. However, each of us has individual sensitivity to disruptions of our body’s own rhythms and different sensitivity to stimuli from the environment. Long-term observations have shown that if we ignore the risks, with prolonged exposure to harmful radiation, these symptoms affect almost everyone to varying degrees. The most common symptoms include allergies, nervous system diseases, leukemias, cysts, ulcers, problems with the circulatory system, digestive tract, infertility, impotence, etc.

Never before has there been such a great need to improve the comfort of life and well-being as there is now

The problem of electromagnetic smog (although often ignored) is already so well-known that even exclusive cosmetic companies introduce protective cosmetics to the market for gray skin caused by artificial electromagnetic waves. Any form of “bringing nature closer” in the modern world is priceless. Every day we should surround ourselves with nature wherever possible. Starting from silk, cotton and wool fibers covering our bodies, through “vitalized water”, natural food, wooden furniture, real candles and live flowers. Any form of contact with nature is also great for your health. An excellent and proven solution is the room harmonizer called VITA Tronic. This device is the easiest way to create a harmonious, balanced and healthy atmosphere in apartments, houses, hotels, SPA centers, workplaces, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, server rooms, and all other rooms where we deal with electromagnetic smog.

VITA Tronic achieves harmonic alignment of the magnetic field within a radius of up to 50 meters

The natural frequencies produced by the device, entering into resonance with the Earth’s magnetic field, create more equalized fields that reduce the negative effects of geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog. To achieve the expected results, the use of one VITA Tronic device is sufficient in a two-story office building, the size of a multi-family house, and outdoors in its surroundings. When using VITA Tronic in a short period of time in rooms, the following results are observed: neutralization of geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog, change in air ionization, greater air conditioning efficiency, and a feeling of harmony. People staying in this area notice: reduced aggression, reduced irritation, elimination of the feeling of chronic fatigue. They enjoy better concentration and greater work efficiency, a feeling of joy, increased well-being, greater immunity, improved health, healthy sleep, rest and, as a result, improved quality of life. With current progress, the harmonizer gives a chance to return to nature without giving up civilization. In hotel rooms and SPA centers, it allows you to create an atmosphere in which you can relax both mentally and physically, despite the presence of electrical devices, computer networks, mobile phone masts, high-voltage lines, etc. VITA Tronic, although it uses only the laws of nature, has full patent protection and many certificates and awards. This device has received a very positive opinion from the International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Endurance (IIREC – Austria). VITA Tronic is a device handmade in Austria. Due to its high effectiveness, it has been enjoying increasing recognition among customers both in Poland and in Europe for five years. You can individually order the VITA Tronic XXL device to harmonize the space within a radius of 1 km.

Author: Dr. Grazyna Pajak 

Biologist, master of natural therapies, nutritionist and researcher at ZBW P.A.N. For twenty-five years he has been involved in the study of water, its structure, renaturation and environmental impact. 

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